Inuvik Journal

Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday...Sweet Friday!

Temp: -10°C
Sunlight - 8.1 hours

Today was my last day of work for the week and tomorrow will be the first day in twelve that I will have off. I can’t wait! It’s going to be great to have some fun for a change.

The plans are on for a snowmobile trip to a friend’s cabin somewhere out on the Mackenzie Delta. I don’t think it’s very far away – only about 10 kilometres or so. Nevertheless it will be a nice trip. I will take along one of my guns in case I see any game. A fresh rabbit or grouse would be an excellent addition to the day.

I am continuing my quest to buy my own snowmobile. In fact today I heard a rumour that someone in town is selling two fairly new long track touring machines and a trailer to tow them with (although most people here just leave from their house on the snow machines), for a very reasonable price. If I can track down the seller, it might turn out to be a very good thing. There really is no point in us buying just one machine. In order to have maximum fun, we each need our own machine. And owning a couple of snowmobiles up here is fully justifiable too; there so much opportunity to use them. After all, there’s snow on the ground for eight or nine months of the year.

It’s supposed to be nice for tomorrow too – minus ten and sunny. The weather really has been great here this year. It hasn’t been nearly as cold as I though it would be (I’m told that will come to an end soon enough though), and already there’s more sun here for the time of year than there would be back home.

The other bit of news that I have is that I have finally settled on a gun. I’m going to get a 30-06 from Winnipeg. I will order it this weekend and should have it in my hands in two or three weeks. That gives me plenty of time to become proficient with it before I am permitted to go big game hunting.

That’s it for now. I’ll be sure to bring my camera with me so I can get some pictures for tomorrows Blog entry.



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